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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can use the PCGL?

Studies with genomic and clinical/phenotypic data will be able to utilize some or all the services available through the PCGL to archive and facilitate the responsible use and sharing of the data they have generated.

What services does the PCGL offer?

  • Secure and sustainable data storage
  • Data discovery and access facilitation
  • GA4GH standards implementation and international linkages
  • Access to the PCGL via APIs to build community portals
  • Centralized DAC (where possible)

Where is data stored? 

PCGL data will be stored in SD4H infrastructure, hosted in the data center under McGill University’s responsibility, located at École de Technologie Supérieure and operated by Calcul Québec (CQ). None of the data submitted to PCGL will be hosted in infrastructure located outside the borders of Canada. 

How can data be accessed?

The PCGL will offer mechanisms for Data Discovery through 1) a Researcher Portal, which will enable the creation of virtual cohorts that can be accessed and analyzed in partnering external Trusted Research Environments, variants databases and other resources, and 2) Federated discovery mechanisms such as the GA4GH Beacon v2 API, designed to make the data findable alongside datasets generated by other national and international initiatives. 

How secure is the stored data?

Data stored in the PCGL will be subject to the cybersecurity provisions and policies outlined by SD4H. Briefly, these policies are aimed to reduce the possibility of unauthorized access and data corruption, as well as emphasizing the need for participant privacy. Specific measures include a robust authentication system to access most features, as well as off-site backups of raw-data, to name a few. For a more detailed explanation, please consult the following page.

How do I submit my data to be included in the PCGL?

Contact us at!

Is it possible for projects to submit access to data in a federated model?

Federated discovery mechanisms such as the GA4GH Beacon v2 API, designed to make the data findable alongside datasets generated by other national and international initiatives.

Do you offer training on how to use PCGL? 

Yes, specialized training including workshops, tutorials and documentation on how to use key PCGL features will be offered in the future. Please consult our training site for additional information.