Vincent Ferretti

Before joining Sainte-Justine, Vincent Ferretti was Principal Investigator and Director, Genome Informatics at the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) in Toronto. While at OICR, Vincent Ferretti participated in several large-scale international projects in cancer genomics. He namely led the infrastructure development of the International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC), the NCI Genomic Data Commons, the Cancer Genome Collaboratory and NIH Gabriella Miller Kids First Data Resource Portal. Vincent Ferretti also conducted a research program on the viral etiology of cancer. During the same period, Dr. Ferretti was also co-director of the Maesltrom-Research program in epidemiology at the Research Institute of the McGill Universtity Heatlh Center. Before joining OICR, Vincent Ferretti was director of bioinformatics at the McGill University and Genome Quebec Innovation Center.